Monthly Template Kits #14: The Psychologist Template Kit

Monthly Template Kits #14: The Psychologist Template Kit | Elementor

This month’s template kit was designed for psychology and mental health professionals looking to display their treatment offerings to potential clients. It’s minimalistic and focuses on the vibe that mental health professionals seek to convey: a professional, understated environment that evokes calm and serenity when clients encounter it. 

For this particular Template Kit, our designer at Elementor, Rachel Skiba, the creator of this kit –– shares her personal thought process and design thinking when crafting this unique kit:

“The sensitivity and the delicateness of the subject of mental health are expressed visually by light, modest colors of light blues and greys. The goal of the design is for potential clients to begin an interaction with mental health professionals in a space where they feel safe, confident, and trusting of those they interact with.”

This ambiance of trust, emotional comfort, and focus on the patient is always illustrated by the choice of photographs that you’ll find throughout the template: human expressions of intent listening, concentration, and a warm environment where a client can feel free to express himself comfortably. 

As we explore the template kit and the design choices we made while building it, we will understand how the different design components and visual elements correlate with the goals of the kit. All that being said, the simplicity and minimalism which the template kit represents allow it to be versatile and usable for other business owners that don’t necessarily work as psychologists or therapists, such as life coaches, personal trainers, medical professionals, and so on.

Keep reading the article at Elementor Blog. The article was originally written by Orlee Gillis on 2020-09-16 02:44:39.

The article was hand-picked and curated for you by the Editorial Team of WP Archives.

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