DO WordPress Theme: A Simple Solution for Online Portfolios –

DO WordPress Theme: A Simple Solution for Online Portfolios - WP Mayor

WordPress is a dynamic Content Management System (CMS) that can be used to create a wide variety of websites. Among the most popular is online portfolios. Whether you’re looking to attract new clients or simply demonstrate your experience in a creative field, building an online portfolio is a great way to showcase your work and highlight your skills.

However, to create the best portfolio possible, in terms of both design and functionality, you don’t want to choose just any basic WordPress theme.

A more effective solution is to use one made for online portfolios, such as the DO WordPress theme. Geared specifically toward creatives and artists, this theme has everything you need to build a unique site to showcase your (or your clients’) work.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to the DO WordPress theme and its unique features, as well as how to get started with it. Let’s jump in!

An Overview of the DO WordPress Theme

Now that we’ve covered some of the reasons and benefits of using a premium WordPress theme to build an online portfolio, it’s time to take a look at one that can be particularly effective for creators: the DO WordPress theme.

This WordPress theme is designed for professional creatives of all kinds. It boasts a minimal, clean, and fully responsive design that is easy to customize. The fonts, colors, and design effects available all help to make your website unique.

To truly appreciate the value of the DO WordPress theme, it helps to get a full understanding of its features. Let’s take a look at some of the most notable ones.

Portfolio Layouts

DO comes with different layout styles.

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Additional Portfolio Pages

With either portfolio layout, you can also create individual pages for displaying particular types of work. These pages are great if you want to include more images and details about a specific project or skill included in your portfolio:

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Blog Pages

There is also a nice and clean blog layout which allows you to display your blog posts in a neat and organized manner directly within your portfolio:

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Designer’s Color Kit

When you’re using a WordPress theme to build an online portfolio, user experience is an important factor. For this reason, the DO WordPress theme comes with a designer color kit to make your color customization a breeze.

The color kit comes with 11 options and a professional recommended palette for the theme. Furthermore, it has built-in functionality that lets you compare different looks and finds the color scheme that best matches your style.

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Quick and Easy Installation

Fully compatible with the new Gutenberg editor, DO offers a quick and easy installation process. You can download and configure it with just a few clicks. You can also refer to their extensive documentation for guidance and support.

It also has high-quality programming. The Themantiko developers created the DO theme adhering to clean code principles, so you will be confident that each element is bug-free. Also, because it is fully responsive, you don’t have to worry about it looking better on some screens; it looks flawless no matter what device you’re using.

Additional Features

In addition to coming with the premium Advanced Custom Field Pro plugin, this WordPress theme also comes with support for native and JetPack galleries and automatic social menu icons. It’s both SEO-optimized and developer-friendly.

DO also provides a variety of simple programming options. It comes with a .pot localization file, making it translation-ready. It also features a custom footer copyright message, custom image logo, and a unique slider style with cool animation.

How to Get Started With the DO WordPress Theme

If you want to give the DO WordPress theme a try, you can test and experiment with its functionality by exploring the demo version. When you’re ready, you can visit the Themantiko website to purchase the theme:

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After you pick a plan, you just need to provide your name, email, and payment information to complete the checkout process.

There are two pricing options available:

  • Basic ($54) which includes the ACF Pro plugin and three months of free support
  • Premium ($113) which includes the ACF Pro plugin and six months of premium support

In addition to free support, which you can use for setup and installation questions as well as bug fixes, the theme also includes updates. Also, if you’re not satisfied with the DO WordPress theme, you can get a full refund within 14 days of purchasing it.


Online portfolios are a powerful way to showcase your work and highlight your unique skills and abilities. To streamline the process of designing and customizing your portfolio, we recommend using a premium online portfolio theme such as DO.

Designed specifically for creative professionals, the DO WordPress theme by Themantiko features a clean, minimal design. It is both fully responsive and highly customizable. Setup and installation is quick and easy. Plus, it comes with a ton of features to make customizing it as simple as possible.

Do you have any questions about using the DO WordPress theme for your online portfolio? Let us know in the comments section below!

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About Will Morris

Will Morris is a staff writer at WordCandy. When he’s not writing about WordPress, he likes to gig his stand-up comedy routine on the local circuit.

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Keep reading the article at WP Mayor. The article was originally written by Will Morris on 2020-04-13 07:00:00.

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