Monday Masterclass: Essential Tips for Great Minimalist Web Design –

Monday Masterclass: Essential Tips for Great Minimalist Web Design - Elementor

Besides being an essential characteristic of Minimalism, Modernism probably serves as a good guideline as to when we should turn to Minimalism for our designs.

Minimalism appeared in design around the same time, during the last century, that as a society we were getting very excited about new modern technology, like TVs and time saving household gadgets. 

So you could say that minimalism has its roots in the streamlined, almost surgically clean designs of the modern era that peaked in the nineteen-fifties and sixties. 

It’s precisely because Minimalism became so synonymous with advanced, reliable technology that years later, industries revived this design trend to promote high-tech, advanced environmental technology, and modern office spaces, and so on.

This is probably why we rarely, if at all, see minimalism in designs for businesses and products that have tradition as its central concept, such as with designs for a traditional family run pizza restaurant, for example.

Keep reading the article at Elementor Blog. The article was originally written by Simon Shocket on 2020-03-17 03:44:19.

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