Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways’ Customers Week

Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways' Customers Week

Cloudways has always been a customer centric brand where customer success and feedback has been at the heart of everything we do. Whether we are launching a new feature or changing the look and feel of the platform, we always make sure to listen to our customers.

While we always value our customers’ feedback, we also celebrate their success by conducting case studies and interviews. This time, we are taking this to the next level. We are dedicating an entire week to celebrate our customers and their success by inviting them to speak at live webinars and talk about their business and how they have grown over the years.

Cloudways Customers Week

From 11th September till the 15th of September, we will be speaking to our customers live across all social media platforms and ask them to share their success stories with our audience. You can register for the sessions by clicking on the register button below so that you don’t miss a session from the Customers Week.

Here is the schedule of the Customers Week:

Guest Name: Great Opomu
Designation: Chief WordPress Officer
Date & Time: 11th September – 9 AM to 10 AM MDT

Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways' Customers Week 1

Guest Name: Paul Ryazanov
Designation: CEO. MageCloud Inc
Date & Time: 12th September – 9 AM to 10 AM MDT

Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways' Customers Week 2

Guest Name: Thomas Raef
Designation: Founder,
Date & Time: 13th September – 9 AM to 10 AM MDT

Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways' Customers Week 3

Guest Name: John Tully
Designation: Founder, Delta Strategic Marketing
Date & Time: 13th September – 10 AM to 11 AM MDT

Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways' Customers Week 4

Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways' Customers Week 3

Throughout the week you will learn:

  • Who our customers are and what are their businesses about
  • Our customers success stories
  • How do they use Cloudways to grow their business
  • What features they love the most about Cloudways

This is the first of its kind initiative and we would love for you to be a part of it so register from the link below to make sure you get to attend every session.

Customer Success Celebration: Cloudways' Customers Week 6

Danish Naseer

Danish Naseer is a WordPress Community Manager at Cloudways. He is passionate about designing, developing, and engaging with people to help them. He also actively participates in the community to share his knowledge. Besides that, he loves to watch documentaries, traveling and spending time with family. You can contact him at [email protected]


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Keep reading the article at The Official Cloudways Blog. The article was originally written by Danish Naseer on 2023-09-06 11:03:03.

The article was hand-picked and curated for you by the Editorial Team of WP Archives.

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