Google Analytics 4 (GA4) vs Universal Analytics: Key Differences

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) vs Universal Analytics: Key Differences

In GA4, the bounce rate is the opposite of the engagement rate. It measures the percentage of sessions that were not engaged (i.e., users spent fewer than ten seconds on a page and didn’t interact or visit another page).

User privacy 🔒️

As mentioned earlier, GA4 prioritizes user privacy. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), IP addresses are personal information that must be protected. While in UA you have to manually configure settings to anonymize IP addresses, GA4 automatically does this for you to ensure GDPR- compliance.

Additionally, Google has introduced a privacy consent mode in GA4. This enables site owners to respect user preferences regarding data privacy.

The user’s consent status (granted, denied, or default) is passed on to GA4. If consent has been denied, it won’t use first-party analytics cookies to gather data from that user.

You might be wondering how this will affect your reports. Well, Google uses a feature called modeling that enables it to report online conversions without identifying users or compromising their privacy.

This means that, if a user does not give their content for data collection, GA4 will try to fill in the gaps. It does this by identifying trends between observed and unobserved conversions, and then predicting the overall conversion attribution (e.g., organic or paid).

User ID 🧑

Another main difference between GA4 vs Universal Analytics is the way User ID is handled. In UA, the User ID is scoped at the property level, which means the same ID is associated with a user’s interactions across all the tracked properties (“websites”) within the same GA account.

On the other hand, GA4 enables you to set User IDs at the event level, giving you more granular control over your reports. For example, you can use these identifiers to connect a user’s behavior across different sessions or devices.

GA4 interprets each user ID as a separate user. This should help provide more accurate user counts. Plus, it can give you a clearer picture of a user’s relationship with your business.

To get started, you’ll want to make sure that you’re using a reporting identity that includes the User ID option:

Keep reading the article at CodeinWP. The article was originally written by John Hughes on 2023-07-11 07:00:00.

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