3 Handy Etsy Importers for WordPress

3 Handy Etsy Importers for WordPress

Etsy is a wonderful community for selling your own art and handmade products. Plenty of small businesses are using it to grow their fanbase and reach out more people. Want to list your Etsy products on your WordPress site too? These 3 WordPress Etsy importers have you covered:

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Etsy Importer: a handy plugin that lets you import your entire Etsy shop into your site. It lets you attach all your product images to your posts. It can also grab and add meta information from Etsy to your posts, including price, listing ID, and year.

3 Handy Etsy Importers for WordPress 1

Etsyomatic: this plugin is an affiliate Etsy post generator for WordPress. Lets you restrict imports from a single category or based on other factors. It has a text spinner function and can also set the featured image for your posts.

Importify: this plugin saves you time importing products from multiple wholesalers to your WooCommerce store. It supports Amazon, AliExpress, Alibaba, Etsy, and other platforms. Lets you customize title, description, images, and a whole lot more. It even helps you automatically pre-populate customer addresses on the checkout page.

Have you found better Etsy importers? Please share them here.

Keep reading the article at WP Solver. The article was originally written by WordPress Jedi on 2023-10-12 11:39:23.

The article was hand-picked and curated for you by the Editorial Team of WP Archives.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are "affiliate links." This means if you click on the link and purchase the product, We may receive an affiliate commission.

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