Integrating An Email Management System Into WordPress –

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WordPress is a versatile platform suitable for various types of websites, including blogs, news sites, magazines, universities, colleges, eCommerce, and other business websites. It can handle a wide range of website-related tasks effectively.

Email Newsletters are the best way to run a campaign to increase user interaction and customer base. However, managing emails and subscribers on a WordPress platform is a little challenging. But with the help of WordPress plugins, this work could be easy to create and manage an email management system under the WordPress admin area. Using different WordPress Plugins, especially for newsletters and email marketing, gives you a lightweight and user-friendly system to manage subscribers and conduct email marketing campaigns. Even with these plugins, you can create beautiful Email Newsletter Templates, manage email lists, subscribers, and get stats and reports about all email-related activities.

In this article, we will provide a brief introduction and guide you through the process of setting up and utilizing the email marketing plugin with WordPress.

Newsletter Plugin is the top WordPress Plugin on the market. It offers numerous features comparable to those of leading companies. It is a great alternative to MailChimp, Aweber, and other email newsletter services. If you require a reliable WooCommerce email marketing tool, consider Omnisend, a viable alternative to MailChimp.

Highlighted features include:


  • Multiple Mailing Lists
  • Bounce Email Management
  • Newsletter Queue & Scheduling
  • Newsletter Templates
  • Complete Email History
  • Unlimited Sidebar Widgets
  • Post/Page Opt-In Embedding
  • Offsite Subscription Forms
  • Publish Newsletter as a Post
  • Send Post as a Newsletter
  • Add Email Attachments
  • SMTP Authentication
  • Gmail SMTP Capability
  • Ajax Powered Features
  • Import/Export Subscribers
  • Custom Dynamic Opt-In Fields
  • Paid Subscriptions (PayPal & 2CheckOut)
  • Integrates with the banner rotator plugin
  • WordPress MU Compatible
  • Unlimited Subscribers/Contacts
  • Email Tracking
  • IP Logging of Subscribers
  • Updates Notification
  • Newsletter Themes
  • POP/IMAP Bounce Handling
  • Latest Posts Subscription
  • Unlimited emails/newsletters
  • Single/Multiple Posts into Emails
  • click tracking
  • Autoresponders
  • Newsletters by conditions
  • Multilingual (qTranslate & WPML)
  • Custom Post Types
  • Link/click tracking
  • DKIM Signature
  • WordPress Dashboard Widget


This Newsletter plugin functionality can be extended via Add-Ons. Currently, there are some add-ons available which can be found here. Some of its favorite add-ons are:

  • WooCommerce Subscribers
  • Events Manager Subscribers
  • Contact Form 7 Subscribers
  • Google Analytics
  • Embedded Images
  • Gravity Forms Subscribers
  • Bloom Subscribers
  • Profile Builder Subscribers
  • Send to Friend
  • Special Dates Autoresponder
  • Formidable Subscribers
  • Total MS Control
  • Total Control
  • s2Member Subscribers
  • Digital Access Pass
  • WP eMember Subscribers


WordPress Newsletter Plugin has many pre-built Email templates; further templates can be purchased here. It comes with Magazine, E-commerce, and other related templates.

More Info & Download

SendPress is a user-friendly email-sending platform suitable for beginners and advanced developers. Once installed, you can start sending emails quickly. Personalize your emails from address and name, and utilize the intuitive template designer to style your emails.

More Info & Download

ActiveCampaign has developed a WordPress plugin for seamlessly incorporating subscription forms into your WordPress blogs and websites. You can effortlessly embed subscription forms without any coding required. Additionally, you can upgrade WordPress anytime without compromising your subscription form code or placements.

4. WordPress Email Newsletter Plugin

The email newsletter plugin is a sophisticated bulk emailer designed for WordPress 3. It is user-friendly and packed with numerous features that enable you to send professional newsletters to your existing WordPress user database efficiently.

5. WP SimpleMail

WP SimpleMail

SimpleMail is a WordPress email client that enables you to connect to an IMAP compatible email account, like Gmail, to check and send emails. It supports multiple users, allowing them to access their own or shared email accounts. Additionally, it allows you to manage contacts and automatically record commenters’ email addresses.

All in One email for WordPress is an extension for the WordPress email plugin that adds features that are missing natively:


  • “From” email field editor to replace WordPress defaults.
  • SMTP support to allow sending emails through an external server.
  • HTML emails with a stylish template instead of plain text.
  • WYSIWYG template editor and previewer.
  • System email editor (new user registration, password retrieval, comment notifications, etc.)
  • WP-E-commerce and BuddyPress emails theming
  • Multisite compatible!
  • SMTP authentication and SSL.
  • Built-in test email sender to catch errors early.
  • Straightforward and sleek interface.

7. WordPress Email Ticket Support Plugin

This Premium WordPress Plugin is for anyone who provides customer support via email. Just install this plugin on your WordPress blog, and you will be up and running with a great email ticketing system in no time.

The same features available here for WordPress are now available as a separate product for the Ultimate Client Manager. The UCM lets you track your customers, invoices, and projects. You can now process email ticket support requests within UCM (just like with this WordPress plugin!) Please click here for more information about this new UCM plugin.

8. Premium WordPress Announcements Plugin

This plugin will make it incredibly easy to create announcements about meeting times, bug fixes, feature updates, event planning, and anything else!

  • Manage Announcements with the WordPress post editor
  • Email notification for announcements to registered users
  • Popup jQuery notification for the latest announcement
  • Categorize Announcements
  • Recent Announcements Widget
  • Announcement Categories Widget
  • WordPress shortcodes for easy Announcement listing on any page
  • Multiple display options
  • WordPress Post Thumbnail Support
  • “Additional Details” display
  • External link option for things such as Ticket Sales
  • Works natively with any WordPress theme
  • Easy to customize to fit your theme just right
  • Detailed screencast and documentation

If you’ve been looking for an easy way to manage your announcements, this is it.

9. Simple Mail Chimp Signup Forms

Mail Chimp is one of the net’s most popular email newsletter services. This little plugin adds several ways for you to add email list signup forms to your WordPress website.

When visitors fill out the form, they are immediately added to your email subscription list.

The plugin is very simple, yet very effective. Signup forms can be displayed using any of three different methods:

  • Shortcode
  • Dedicated widget
  • Template tag (for advanced users)

10. Transpose Email (Depreciated as of December 31, 2018)

Putting your email address in a blog post is an open invitation to spammers. There are several methods to prevent this, like using a contact form or obfuscating your email.

Transpose Email plugin allows you to use JavaScript to create an encoded link. Clicking that link will trigger the user’s email client to open and create an email.

11. Email Users (Depreciated as of May 6, 2022)

A plugin for WordPress that allows you to send an email to the registered blog users. Users can send personal emails to each other. Power users can email groups of users and even notify the group of users of posts.

All the instructions for installation, the support forums, FAQs, etc… can be found on the plugin homepage.

This Plugin defines the email that is sent to new users when they first register on your blog. You can set the subject, message body and from email address and name. It also defines the message body and subject for the email sent to the blog administrator. The plugin allows HTML in the emails.

Sometimes you want an easy way to e-mail all the people who commented on a post. Up till now, that took a bit of work; now it’s as easy as installing this plugin, and clicking the mail icon, you’ll get in the toolbar. You can also do the same from the edit comments page for single commenters.

Both of these functions will allow for far easier interaction with your commenters.

Allows you to add a Feedburner Email Subscription widget to one of your sidebars.

This is an email newsletter and autoresponder plugin. With this plugin you can create:

  • Create unlimited number of newsletter lists
  • Create follow-up email responses that can be scheduled to go out after a specific number of days since the subscriber subscribes.
  • Add subscription forms to your sidebar using widgets.
  • Provide email subscriptions to your blog without using third party services like Feedburner
  • Generate subscription forms and then use them on your website anywhere.
  • Collect more information about your subscribers by generating custom fields for your subscription forms.
  • Schedule e-mail broadcasts to your email newsletters in Text/HTML. You can even send the broadcast to specific sections of your newsletter by selecting them using the custom fields.
  • Provide email subscription to specific categories in your blog
  • Import your subscribers from Feedburner and Aweber.
  • Define rules to unsubscribe users from one newsletter if they subscribe to another bulletin.

Email Subscription Box After Post Content helps to insert a Feedburner email subscription box after every post content.

17. WP Better Emails (Depreciated as of January 10, 2023)

All emails from WordPress (lost password, notifications, etc.) are sent by default in text/plain format. WP Better Emails wraps them with a much better-looking customizable HTML email template and lets you set your sender name and email address.

  • WP Better Emails comes with a default straightforward and clean template that has been tested on various and popular email clients like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail/Live, AOL, Outlook, Apple Mail and much more. This to ensure your emails will always display nicely in your recipient mailbox. But you can, of course, design your own.
  • WP Better Emails lets you send sample emails to test and preview your custom HTML email template.

Subscribe2 is an exceptional WordPress plugin providing an all-inclusive email management and notification systems solution. With its extensive range of features, Subscribe2 allows users to manage subscriptions and send email notifications to their subscribers effortlessly. One of the plugin’s standout features is the ability to style emails using customizable themes and templates, ensuring that every communication looks professional and aligns with the brand. Additionally, Subscribe2 offers support for double opt-in subscriptions, allowing users to build a reliable and engaged subscriber base. By enabling subscriptions to comments, newsletters, and post notifications, the plugin empowers bloggers to stay connected with their audience and keep them informed about the latest updates. The flexibility of choosing different subscription frequencies, such as per-post, daily, weekly, or monthly, further enhances user control, enabling them to deliver content to subscribers at precisely the right time. Overall, with its user-friendly interface and the ability to tailor email communications to meet specific needs, Subscribe2 is an unbeatable tool for seamless and efficient email management in the WordPress ecosystem.

20. MailPress (Depreciated as of 24 May 2022)

MailPress is a powerful WordPress plugin that provides a comprehensive email management and notification system for WordPress blogs. With MailPress, users can style their HTML and plain-text emails using dedicated themes and templates, ensuring visually appealing and customizable messages. The plugin offers double opt-in subscription options, allowing users to manage their subscribers effectively. Additionally, MailPress supports subscriptions to comments, newsletters, and post notifications, which can be sent on a per post, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. With full control over all emails sent by WordPress, MailPress provides a seamless and efficient email management solution for WordPress users.

  • Style your HTML and plain text emails with dedicated themes and templates.
  • Double opt-in subscription.
  • Subscriptions to Comments, Newsletters/Post notifications and even to Mailing lists.
  • Newsletters/Post notifications on a per post, daily, weekly, monthly basis.
  • Optional: full control on all emails sent by WordPress.

WP SuperMailer is a deprecated WordPress plugin that was once used for email management and delivery within the WordPress platform. However, as of now, it is no longer actively supported or recommended for use. The plugin aimed to enhance email functionality by allowing users to send email newsletters, notifications, and other communications to their subscribers. Unfortunately, due to its deprecation, it is advised to explore alternative WordPress plugins that are actively maintained and offer better features and support for email management and delivery.

HTML Emails convert plain-text email notifications into customizable, visually appealing HTML emails. Regular plain-text versions are included for email clients that do not support HTML emails. Please note that the plain-text versions are auto-generated and may appear basic. Adding better-looking plain-text versions is a potential future update, but currently not a high priority.

Wrap up

WordPress is extremely developer-friendly and offers limitless possibilities. Email management and integration with other email providers are effortless tasks. Please share any exceptional plugins or WordPress Email Management plugins you are aware of in the comments section below.

Keep reading the article at WPArena. The article was originally written by Noor Mustafa Raza on 2023-12-05 11:29:11.

The article was hand-picked and curated for you by the Editorial Team of WP Archives.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are "affiliate links." This means if you click on the link and purchase the product, We may receive an affiliate commission.

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