Website Annotation Tools for Flawless Communication with Clients

Website Annotation Tools for Flawless Communication with Clients

Looking for an easy way for clients or colleagues to give feedback on new website projects? Annotation tools can help. In this article, we look at some top annotation options, as chosen by our web developer members.

Getting feedback from your clients is crucial and highly-beneficial…when done right!

Good or bad feedback, it’s essential to ensure that you and the client are on the same page. Or, maybe you’re collaborating with team members, and you need a good system.

This goes for design, early mockups, development, staging, internal QA, client feedback, user feedback – you name it.

On the other hand, you don’t want to get bogged down by unnecessary client feedback which stresses you out, takes way too much time, and doubts your expertise.

That’s where a quality annotation or feedback tool can help, enabling you to foster easy and manageable feedback which will ultimately lead to better results for your client and less stress for you.

To select the best tools for the job, we took notes from a recent members discussion in our community forums about this exact topic.

Read on to find out which tools were the preferred choices of our web developer members, and a helpful overview of each if you’re looking to get in on the annotation action.

Here’s what we’ll be covering if you’d like to skip ahead:

Let’s begin!

Why Website Annotation Tools Are Important

We hinted at it already, but to clarify, website annotation tools make it simple to get visual feedback for your documents and designs on clients’ WordPress sites.

They are designed to clearly demonstrate what needs improvement or to specify implementations the clients or your team require.

Annotation tools help clean up sloppiness and provide essentials, such as:

  • Annotations on a website
  • Keep track of changes that have been made
  • Screenshots with one click
  • Highlights on text or other elements
  • Instant feedback
  • Clear communication
  • Drawing on live sites

And more…

After all, there are times when you or your client want feedback that is clearer visually on the web design rather than a phone call that you’ll forget or an email that will drown in your inbox.

Annotations deliver more explanation and context for WordPress design.

It helps the client understand your point better; likewise, you can realize theirs.

That way, when a client previews their new site, you work on an existing one, or whatever the case may be — you’ll be on the same page.

You can see why annotations are essential. So, how do you implement them?

Fortunately, some tools can help! As mentioned above, we took notes of what our own web developer members use to solve common problems regarding feedback.

Some of the tools are free, and some aren’t. However, they all had favorable feedback.

These tools have come a long way, with some offering white-label solutions, Chrome extensions, drawing on live websites, and much more.

So, enough from me. Here are the top picks for website annotation tools:


Volley can provide numerous annotation solutions.

“A short time ago I discovered a new tool that has made my life a lot easier, especially with perfectionist clients or for the case where the client is a company with several people who give their opinion and decide on the project.

And this tool is Volley.”

Lucas, WPMU DEV Member

Volley is an annotation platform that offers clear visual feedback for websites. It’s a hit with some of our members and over 6,000 web professionals.

They have a free plan allowing you to register the customer in the project or install code on the developed website. With this, the client can open a frame that allows you to mark any point on the screen, comment, and more.

Volley lets you and your client respond to feedback. Also, the capability to add image files, clippings and mark issues as “resolved.”

Volley example.Volley’s system has a lot of good communication between clients and developers.

Depending on the size of your business, you may need to upgrade from the free version (which allows you only one active project). However, their prices are very reasonable and vary by the number of projects you’ll work on.


Atarim header.Atarim is highly recommended.

“I just got off a client call where the client = an executive board with 16 Doctors and Nurses. I loved being able to show them how to use Atarim and everyone is excited about the tool! ”

Sarah Phillips, Atarim User

Atarim is another top-notch annotation platform with over 5,000 agencies and 120,000 of their clients using them.

They have features like filtering tasks based on custom tags, status, or priority. Plus, it has automatic notifications for clients when a job is done. They also feature auto-filters for incoming emails, brandable time reports for clients, and drag & drop organization.

Atarim drag and drop feature.An example of Atarim’s drag & drop feature for organizing your communication with clients.

Another useful benefit is managing all of your clients’ sites on one agency dashboard. This visual aspect of organization makes it quick and easy to hop from one project to the next.

Agency dashboard.If you have numerous projects you’re working on at once, the dashboard organizes them very well.

They have several levels of packages you can get for an affordable price.


Userback header.Userback has your back when it comes to annotations.

“Personally, I’m a fan of Userback.”

Richard, WPMU DEV User

With over 20,000 software teams using this platform, Userback is another great platform for teams and feedback. You can add screen annotations, video recordings, session replays, and include user insights.

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