Change Admin Email WordPress in 3 Simple Steps – Seamless Shift

Change Admin Email WordPress in 3 Simple Steps - Seamless Shift

Managing the WordPress admin email is crucial for effective communication and receiving important notifications about your site’s performance, security updates, user interactions, and more.

This email address is the primary point of contact for administrative purposes, so you must keep it up to date.

WordPress offers a user-friendly interface for modifying critical settings, suitable for both beginners and experienced users. While changing the admin email may seem daunting at first, multiple approaches are available.

And this flexibility allows you to choose the method that aligns best with your comfort level and technical expertise. This detailed guide explores three methods, providing a comprehensive understanding of how to modify the admin email and empowering you to choose the most suitable method for your specific situation.

Why Should You Change the Admin Email Address?

Changing the admin email address in WordPress might seem quite unimportant, but it plays a crucial role in enhancing website security, communication efficiency, and administrative clarity. Here are some key reasons why you should consider changing the admin email:

Security Breach

The admin email is vital for account recovery and security notifications. If compromised or inaccessible, it poses a severe security risk.

Updating to a secure and actively monitored email reduces the vulnerability of unauthorized access, safeguards sensitive information, and prevents potential breaches.

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Upgrading to a Professional Email

Transitioning from a generic or personal email address to a professional one offers several advantages, especially when managing a WordPress website. A professional email linked to your domain lends a more credible image.

Professional email services often offer advanced security features, such as encryption protocols and multifactor authentication, bolstering the protection of your administrative access.


During a rebranding process for a WordPress website, changing the admin email aligns with the overall transformation of the site’s identity.

Updating the admin email reflects the new brand identity, signifying a comprehensive shift in ownership, management, and communication channels. This ensures consistency across all touchpoints and establishes a direct line of communication under the rebranded identity.

Lost Access to Your Email Account

Losing access to your website’s admin email can pose security risks and accessibility challenges. Forgotten passwords may leave your website vulnerable, and missed notifications could impact performance.

Hence, restoring access is crucial to maintaining the security and user experience of your site.

Developer-Managed Email

If you hired a developer to set up your website, they might have used their email address for the admin account. In such cases, changing the admin email becomes imperative, especially if you’ve inherited the website or no longer collaborate with the developer.

Dependence on developers can hinder quick decision-making and timely responses to urgent matters, as any changes or issues with the email are dependent on their availability. Furthermore, transitioning away from a developer-managed email can be challenging, potentially resulting in delays or data loss during the process.

Things to Do Before Changing Admin Email Address in WordPress

Before changing the admin email address in WordPress, follow these essential steps:

Before making any significant changes, create a backup of your WordPress site. Use a reliable backup plugin or your WordPress web hosting service’s backup feature to securely back up your website’s data, including files and databases.

  • Check Administrative Privileges

Ensure that the new email address you intend to use has the necessary administrative privileges. WordPress requires the admin email to have administrative rights for effective website management.

  • Update Admin Email in General Settings

Access your WordPress dashboard and go to the “Settings” tab. Navigate to “General Settings” and locate the “Email Address” field. Update this field with the new admin email address.

Update the user profiles associated with the previous admin email address. In the WordPress dashboard, go to “Users,” and edit the user profile linked to the old email address, changing it to the new one.

  • Review Notification Plugins or Services

Review any plugins or services that send notifications to the admin email. Ensure that these services are also updated with the new email address, ensuring you continue to receive important alerts and communications seamlessly.

How to Change WordPress Admin Email (3 Methods)

We’ve mentioned three easy methods to change the admin email in WordPress:

Method 1: Changing WordPress Admin Email Address via Admin

  • Navigate to “Settings” and click “General” on your WordPress dashboard
  • Update the email in the “Administration Email Address”.

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  • Once done, click on the “Save Changes” button.
  • Your new admin email is now updated in WordPress.

Method 2: Change WordPress Admin Email Using a Plugin

  • If you can’t change your email address in WordPress settings, you can use a plugin instead.
  • Install and activate the “Change Admin Email” plugin by navigating to “Plugins” → “Add New” from your WordPress dashboard.

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  • Once activated, go to “Settings” and then the “General” page on your dashboard.
  • Update the new email address in the “Administration Email Address” option.

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  • Click on the “Test Email” button after updating the email.
  • Save your changes by clicking the “Save Changes” button.

Method 3: Change WordPress Admin Email via Cloudways DBMS

  • Log in to the Cloudways Platform with your credentials. Click on Applications in the top menu bar and select your target application from the list.
  • Wait for a few minutes to complete the server launch process.

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  • Next, select the Application.
  • Under Application Management, click Access Details
  • Launch Database Manager under the MySQL Access option.

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  • Open your database, and click on the “wp_options” table.
  • Click on the “Edit” button located next to “admin_email”.

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  • To change the email address:
    • Complete the form.
    • Click the “Go” button to store your settings.

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  • Click on the “wp_users” table in the phpMyAdmin window.
  • Click on the “Edit” button next to the row with the same user login as the one you want to change.

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  • In the “user_email” field, enter the user’s new email address.
  • Click the “Go” button to save your changes.

Admin Email Change in WordPress: Troubleshooting Tips

Changing the WordPress admin email can sometimes lead to issues if not done correctly. Here are steps to troubleshoot errors that might occur when changing the admin email:

  • WordPress Email Sending Configuration: WordPress uses PHP mail function or SMTP to send emails. If emails are not being sent, check if your site’s email sending configuration is correct.
    • SMTP Configuration: Install and use an SMTP plugin like WP Mail SMTP, Easy WP SMTP, or others. This helps to route WordPress emails through a proper SMTP server, reducing the chances of emails being marked as spam.
    • WordPress Configuration File (wp-config.php): Verify the ‘WP_DEBUG’ constant in your wp-config.php file. Set it to ‘true’ to enable debugging and check for any error messages related to email sending.
  • Deactivate Plugins/Themes: Some plugins or themes might interfere with WordPress email functionality. Temporarily deactivate all plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme to check if the problem is resolved. If it works after deactivation, reactivate each plugin/theme once the transition is completed.
  • Check Spam Folder: After changing the email, WordPress sends a confirmation email to the new address. Sometimes, this email might get flagged as spam, so check your spam folder.
  • WordPress Version/Updates: Ensure that your WordPress version, plugins, and themes are up-to-date. Sometimes, outdated software can cause issues with email functionalities.

Activate the Custom SMTP Add-on on Cloudways

Cloudways allows you to configure Elastic Email SMTP Add-on to send transactional emails (or outgoing emails) in bulk from your server.

Cloudways does not have email services as a standard feature. However, you have the freedom to utilize any third-party email service without any restrictions from our end.

Step #1

  • Log in to the Cloudways Platform, click on the Servers tab from the top menu bar and choose your target server.

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  • Next, click on the SMTP option from the left menu bar.

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Step #2

  • Now, click on this drop-down box, which prompts you to Select SMTP, so choose an option called Your Own SMTP.

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  • Fill out the form as per your application/website settings.

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That’s it! It’s that easy to configure SMTP with Cloudways.

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Final Words

Remember, changing the admin email in WordPress can sometimes lead to temporary disruptions in email communications.

Fortunately, whether using the WordPress dashboard settings or implementing changes through phpMyAdmin and the database, you have multiple options available to update your admin email swiftly.

By staying proactive in managing your website’s admin email, you contribute to its overall efficiency and security, enabling you to stay informed and connected with your WordPress platform effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) How do I change the WordPress admin email address?
A) To change the WordPress admin email,

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to ‘Settings’ then ‘General,’
  • Now change the ‘Email Address’ option.
  • Remember to save your changes.

Q) Can I change the WordPress admin email without verification?
A) Yes, you can bypass the verification process using a plugin.

  • Install and activate the ‘Change Admin Email’ plugin.
  • Once activated, visit ‘Settings’ > ‘General’, enter the new admin email address in the ‘Administration Email Address’ section and save changes.
  • The plugin will change the admin email without verification and send you a test email to the new address​​.

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Inshal Ali

Inshal is a Content Marketer at Cloudways. With background in computer science, skill of content and a whole lot of creativity, he helps business reach the sky and go beyond through content that speaks the language of their customers. Apart from work, you will see him mostly in some online games or on a football field.


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Keep reading the article at The Official Cloudways Blog. The article was originally written by Inshal Ali on 2023-11-29 05:33:59.

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