Scala Hosting: An Overview and Review –

Scala Hosting: An Overview and Review - WP Mayor

Choosing a hosting provider for your WordPress site is a serious task. You want to make sure that your online content is in good hands, and that navigating and managing your account is straightforward.

Scala Hosting offers Managed Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting to protect your site’s performance and make maintaining it easier. Plus, with in-house technologies for account management and security, you can keep your costs down.

In this review, we’ll introduce you to Scala Hosting and show you five reasons to choose it for your WordPress site. Let’s get right to it!

Scala Hosting, like other hosting providers, is a company that stores customers’ websites on their servers. This arrangement is what makes it possible for visitors to access your WordPress site.

There are many different types of web hosting. While it offers a wide variety of plans, Scala Hosting is best known for its Managed VPS packages:

This offer provides the best possible performance and security while keeping costs down. Plus, every plan from Scala Hosting includes:

  • 24/7 technical support
  • Free Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates
  • Free migration services from your old hosting provider
  • A 30-day money-back guarantee

In short, there’s a lot to gain and next to nothing to lose by giving Scala Hosting a try.

5 Reasons to Choose Scala Hosting for Your WordPress Site

There are a lot of WordPress hosting providers out there. It can be hard to determine which one is best for your site. Below, we’ve highlighted five advantages of choosing Scala Hosting.

1. VPS Hosting Can Improve Your Site’s Performance

As we mentioned above, Scala Hosting is strongly focused on providing Managed VPS packages. Since your site will have dedicated resources on your server, you don’t have to worry about other users eating up the available disk space and slowing down your loading times.

Performance influences User Experience (UX) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Both these factors are key to your site’s success, so choosing a plan that won’t hurt your loading times is crucial.

Scala Hosting plans are also highly scalable since you can add CPU cores, RAM, and disk space to your account at any time. This flexibility enables you to make sure your site loads quickly and can support all your users as it grows.

2. They’ll Help Manage and Maintain Your WordPress Site

Like many hosting providers, Scala Hosting offers additional support for users of the web’s most popular Content Management System (CMS). However, it’s taken Managed WordPress hosting to the next level with its built-in SWordPress Manager:

Scala Hosting's SWordPress Manager.

This tool is available in your hosting account control panel (more on that soon). It includes several handy features such as:

  • One-click WordPress installation
  • Automatic update configuration
  • Admin password reset capability
  • ‘Security lock’ functionality

To help protect your WordPress site, you can use Scala Hosting’s security lock to disable Core file modifications. Cloning, staging, and backup restoration features are in the works as well.

3. Their Plans Include Advanced Security Features

Web host security is a serious matter. If your server is hacked, you could lose your site’s content as well as user data. An attack can do real damage to your brand image as well.

In addition to its WordPress security lock function, Scala Hosting offers a long list of advanced protections, including:

  • A dedicated firewall for your site
  • Regular malware scans and removal
  • Free SSL certificates to encrypt data
  • Automated WordPress updates
  • Storage for up to seven daily backups

Plus, developers at Scala Hosting have created its SShield Security Guard technology, which uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify and stop malicious behavior:

Scala Hosting's SShield Security Guard.

SShield Security Guard catches and blocks 99.998 percent of cyberattacks. You’ll be immediately notified you if your site is at risk so you can improve your security measures and protect your site.

4. You Can Manage Your Account With an Intuitive Control Panel

Your hosting account control panel is vital to managing your billing and personal information as well as your site’s files, database, domain, and more. Being able to easily navigate this dashboard is key.

Scala Hosting has its own unique dashboard interface, known as sPanel:

The sPanel logo.

Designed as an all-in-one hosting and site management hub, sPanel includes:

  • The SWordPress Manager
  • Access to security features including SShield Security Guard
  • A built-in backup system
  • Links to your email, MySQL databases, SSL certificates, and domains

Plus, sPanel is 100 percent compatible with the popular cPanel. You can easily migrate your site from this platform to Scala Hosting and keep all your emails, passwords, databases, domains, and cron jobs intact.

5. In-House Technology Makes for More Affordable Plans

As you may have noticed, Scala Hosting builds a lot of the technology used to secure and manage sites in-house. Less reliance on third-party platforms means fewer chances something will go wrong and affect your website.

However, it also benefits your bank account. Since Scala Hosting doesn’t have to pay other companies to secure or maintain customers’ sites, you get to save on your Managed WordPress VPS plan. Consider this comparison:

A comparison table of the costs associated with Scala Hosting's sPanel versus cPanel.

Pricing starts at just $12 per month for one CPU core, two GB RAM, and 20 GB of SSD space. If you’re launching a small business site or blog, this is an affordable, high-quality alternative to other providers’ shared hosting plans.

Plus, from now until March 1, 2020, you can get 20 percent off your order with the coupon code WPMAYOR!


Your hosting provider impacts your site’s performance, security, and overall success. Finding the right one is arguably the most important part of launching your website.

In this review, we took a look at five reasons to choose a Managed WordPress VPS plan from Scala Hosting:

  1. VPS hosting can improve your site’s performance.
  2. They’ll help manage and maintain your WordPress site.
  3. Their plans include advanced security features.
  4. You can manage your account with an intuitive control panel.
  5. In-house technology makes for more affordable plans.

Do you have any questions about Scala Hosting? Ask away in the comments section below!

Scala Hosting: An Overview and Review - WP Mayor 1

About Will Morris

Will Morris is a staff writer at WordCandy. When he’s not writing about WordPress, he likes to gig his stand-up comedy routine on the local circuit.

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Keep reading the article at WP Mayor. The article was originally written by Will Morris on 2020-02-03 06:00:57.

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