Why SEO Professionals love This Tool?

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool?

SEO is technical, and it is only with the help of the right SEO tool, you could measure if your work is being rewarded or not!

In the past few years, there has been a surge of keyword rank tracking tools that brings the perfect union of data and user experience.

AccuRanker is one such tool that is being praised by many SEO professionals and agencies alike. I have been a long-time user of Accuranker, and it is a tool that will add value for your online business.

This is a detailed review of AccuRanker, where you will learn about all the features of this stunning looking tool.


I got to know about AccuRanker almost one and a half years back when I attended Brighton SEO.

Their design was the first thing that got the attention of many attendees, including me. That “Grumpy Tiger” is the mascot of AccuRanker.

However, the design should not always be the right criteria to judge the quality of anything.

Isn’t it?

This is where I signed up for 14 days of free trial of AccuRanker, and I was blown away with the simplicity of using this powerful and accurate Rank Tracker app. It took me only 10-15 minutes for the initial setup, and they showed the ranking of keywords within a few seconds.

Such a blazing fast response was something I have never experienced before in a rank tracking tool.

Now, after one year of regularly using it, it has become my go-to app for tracking Keyword ranking.

Before, I share how to get started with AccuRanker, let’s learn about the features offered by this

AccuRanker Review: Features that make it special

AccuRanker is a cloud-based tool to monitor website keyword rankings. Along with this, you can compare your ranking with your competitors and it also lets you see the performance of your competitors.

If you run multiple websites, you can track ranking of all domains from a single account.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 1

This is an all in one tool for checking Keyword rankings.

It automatically updates the ranking of your tracked keyword daily, and you also have the option to see on-demand ranking. AccuRanker also provides you with the SERP snapshot.

AccuRanker is developed with two goals in the mind:

  1. AccuRanker is designed to be fast, and it takes only a few seconds to get the results.
  2. At the same time, AccuRanker is user-friendly, enabling all employees within an organisation to access and operate it efficiently.

With these two philosophies, this is now one of the leading rank trackers on the market.

Apart from a few mentioned features above, here are some of the notable feature of AccuRanker:

AccuRanker dashboard:

AccuRanker dashboard is the first page that you would usually be interacting with after the initial setup. This page has everything you need to know about your website ranking.

Stuff like:

  • Share of voice (Explained below)
  • Ranking distribution
  • Average rank
  • Data from Google Analytics

And more…

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 2

I have explained some of these features in detail below.

Keyword dashboard:

This is where most of the action will be happening for seeing individual keyword or keyword group performance.

See the screenshot below or simply sign up for a free trial to experience it of your own.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 3

It is vital that you tag your keywords when you add them for tracking. You can use tags like:

  • Money keyword
  • Traffic keywords
  • $Category Keywords
  • Coupon keywords

And so on.

This helps a lot in the long run and measure the data that matters. Moreover, you can easily sort the ranking based on tags.

Since the different sections of websites now require different SEO strategies, this kind of keyword tracking and grouping will help you stay focused.

To give you an idea, here is how I’m adding tags:

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 4

Tagging also helps in tracking Share of voice (voice) for individual tags. You will learn about SOV in the further section.

Multiple search engine & locale:

You can check global or local rankings with multiple locations for Google and Bing. The process to add multiple locations is fast, and you can add multiple locales.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 5

At the same time, you can add tags to organize your keyword tracking better. Adding tags also helps in multiple ways that we will see in the further section of this review post.

3rd Party Integration:

AccuRanker is a data-centric tool that also provides integration with many popular services such as Google Analytics, Google Search console, Adobe Analytics, Google Data Studio to name a few.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 6

Connecting AccuRanker to your Google Analytics account will provide more in-depth data such as Est. visitors per keyword and Landing pages/Tag cloud data for professional users.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 7

Connecting AccuRanker to your Google Search Console account will enable you to easily import your keywords.

Connecting both Google Analytics and Google Search Console in your AccuRanker Account will allow you to see estimated visitors per keyword and keywords potential.

Share of Voice (SOV):

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 8

Share of Voice is an underlooked and under-utilized metrics by many SEO professionals and AccuRanker makes it easier for us to make sense out of it.

You will be able to monitor your website performance in organic search on the basis of SOV.

So what is SOV?

Glad that you asked!

Share of Voice (SoV) is an indicator of how your most important keywords are performing. All keywords that rank between positions 1 to 20 are used for the calculation.

The average CTR for the position is multiplied by the search volume of each keyword, allowing you to see if high traffic keywords are losing or gaining ranks. 

If you want to learn more about SOV, you should read these two guides:

Share of voice on AccuRanker is also available for tags and individual keywords.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 9

You have an option to ignore keywords from SOV Calculations.

See Keyword Ranking history:

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 10

AccuRanker also lets you see the ranking history of your tracked keywords. At the same time, you can compare the ranking with your competitors.

SERP Feature and SERP Snapshot:

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 11

With Accuranker, you can easily see which all SERP feature is available for any keyword, and it also stores the SERP Snapshot.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 12

More AccuRanker feature:

Apart from these, there are many more features such as comparing rank with competitors, analyzing top pages, and other data-driven metrics, which will help you provide accurate tracking of your website ranking.

Now, I leave all this for you to explore.

If you want to learn more about how to start using AccuRanker, you can read the snippet on the AccuRanker deal page.

Or, Watch this video tutorial:

Accuranker pricing:

For any individuals or agencies, the pricing of such a tool is the deal-breaker. AccuRanker is priced at the industry standard, and the extra features (mentioned above) make it value for money.

The pricing is based on the number of keywords you want to track and the cheapest plan costs about $71/month when paid yearly.

Why SEO Professionals love This Tool? 13

There is one important thing you should know about the number of keywords:

So, let’s say you wish to track a keyword and let’s call it “Blue marbles.” Now, if you track that keyword on desktop and mobile, and on two different locations, it will cost you 4 keywords.

So when you add a keyword for tracking, make sure you pick the device and location that matters the most. You can anytime upgrade or downgrade your plan.

Conclusion: AccuRanker review

I may be doing a video review soon, but for now, let me conclude the final review of AccuRanker.

AccuRanker is fast, accurate, and complete value for money. The union of great user experience and a powerful engine makes it one of the best rank tracking tools on the planet.

The team is proactive, and they are constantly adding new features. Pricing is appropriate and is a complete value for money.

Now, it’s your turn to try AccuRanker and let me know your review and experience of using it.

Do let me know the following:

  • What did you like the most about AccuRanker?
  • What new features would you like to see in AccuRanker?

Keep reading the article at ShoutMeLoud. The article was originally written by Harsh Agrawal on 2019-12-19 13:00:05.

The article was hand-picked and curated for you by the Editorial Team of WP Archives.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are "affiliate links." This means if you click on the link and purchase the product, We may receive an affiliate commission.

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