10 Awesome Typography Trends for │

10 Awesome Typography Trends for 2021 │Elementor

Simply put, web typography refers to how you arrange text on your website. It encompasses everything from font selection and size to how you lay out your written content. However, although looks are important, web typography is about more than just aesthetics.

Thoughtfully chosen web fonts can help your site stand out and contribute to your overall branding efforts. Typography also comes into play when for User Experience (UX), as a typeface that is difficult to read can be a significant turnoff for your audience.

Typography is one of the most crucial elements to consider when designing a website because so much of the site’s success depends on it. It’s likely that every part of your website, from content to navigation to forms, includes text. Poorly chosen typography can create a lot of friction for your users, which can lead to lost conversions. Adding too many fonts, for example, can cause confusion, loss of focus and bad user experience. To avoid that, we recommend using two fonts, as it is the perfect amount for a website. 

In contrast, combining typography with other current web design trends can help keep your site looking fresh and relevant. It’s a relatively simple way of showing that you’re investing time and effort into keeping your site updated.

Keep reading the article at Elementor Blog. The article was originally written by Mark Gerkules on 2021-04-07 06:03:24.

The article was hand-picked and curated for you by the Editorial Team of WP Archives.

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