Monthly Template Kits #9: The Online Course Template Kit –

Monthly Template Kits #9: The Online Course Template Kit - Elementor

As for the header and footer, you’ll notice that the header is ‘just’ the logo and a hamburger menu, no navbar in sight. Once you click on the hamburger menu, you’re taken right to the popup that lists the available courses, which is essentially the most important information on the website. 

The unique footer of this popup is basically what a typical header or footer on a homepage will look like. On the one hand, this feels very natural to the user because it follows the most common practice for what header and/or footer layout will include. At the same time, it’s super unique in that there’s a footer on the popup itself. It’s definitely a great balance!

The Menu popup is one of the most uniquely designed elements in the template kit. It’s not only delicate yet engaging, but it cuts to the chase right away, without being too aggressive. 

Potential students are most interested in the course titles and learning more about each course, so the menu popup delivers exactly what they’re looking to find out. 

Another uniquely user-friendly feature of this popup is the version of the header menu that runs across the bottom of the popup. 

This eliminates the need to exit the list of courses in order to find the page you’re looking for. It really makes the Menu popup feel like a fluid and seamless section of the website, which is definitely what we’re aiming for as web creators.

The footer is a well-designed, standard website footer. It shows the minimum viable information needed for any website footer, making sure to show visitors the site owner’s social channels, with a subtle opportunity to describe to the site’s newsletter.

Keep reading the article at Elementor Blog. The article was originally written by Orlee Gillis on 2020-04-22 03:02:31.

The article was hand-picked and curated for you by the Editorial Team of WP Archives.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are "affiliate links." This means if you click on the link and purchase the product, We may receive an affiliate commission.

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